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Den Danske Antikvarboghandlerforening ILAB-LILA

John Lennon: In His Own Write


KunstnerJohn Lennon
TitelIn His Own Write
LabelWestwood One Radio Networks
KatalognummerJL `86
Pris1000 kr. / 133 €
BeskrivelseRare 2 LP radio show featuring musical selections and interviews with John Lennon talking about his days in the Beatles and his career after they spilt up, plus excerpts from the very last interview John Lennon gave before his untimely death. Also includes rare, previously unaired music from the Cavern days, Beatles concerts and Lennon's solo career. The 2-LP record-set comes in a plain black cover. Label says: "Not for sale" - "For Licensed Broadcast Use Only". With record company "track-list" flyer.
Genrerock, the beatles, spoken word, interviews
Pladens standExcellent(EX)
Coverets standExcellent(EX)
Label standExcellent(EX)
Internt nummerH101456

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