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Den Danske Antikvarboghandlerforening ILAB-LILA

Cobra Bibliotheket - The Cobra Library. - Komplet i 15 hæfter - Complete in 15 booklets.


ForfatterCobra Bibliotheket - The Cobra Library.
TitelKomplet i 15 hæfter - Complete in 15 booklets.
BeskrivelseEjnar Munksgaard, Copenhagen. 1950. 1st. edition. Richly illustrated. 8vo. Unpaginated. Publishers orig. lithographed wrappers. Excellent/Excellent condition.
NoteDet komplette Cobrabibliotek 1.serie. Volume 1: Pierre Alechinsky. Volume 2: Else Alfelt. Volume 3: Karel Appel. Volume 4: Atlan. Volume 5: Ejler Bille. Volume 6: Constant. Volume 7: Corneille. Volume 8: Jacques Doucet. Volume 9: Sonja Ferlov. Volume 10:
Pris5000.00 kr.
Nøgleordcobra, kunst, litografier, monografier, scandinavian art

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